Mauritius Company Registration Services

Mauritius Company Registration ServicesMauritius is a beautiful country which enjoys unprecedented growth and socio-economic development. Mauritius is welcoming towards foreign investors and the government encourages foreign investment and offshore activity, which is beneficial towards the country’s economy.

In trying to attract foreign investors to set up companies and register their services in Mauritius, the government has introduced a wide range of incentives and a consolidation of legal and fiscal framework to attract investors into the local market.


The key benefits of Mauritius company registration

One of the key benefits to be had when forming a company and registering a company in Mauritius is the straightforward procedure involved. Anytime something is easier and less complicated to get done, it automatically becomes much more attractive.

When a Mauritius company registration is properly done, it increases the chances of the business being a low-cost and legally tax-efficient in the long run.


Mauritius company registration services process

When registering a company in Mauritius, there are two types to choose from:

  • GBC1 – For resident companies
  • GBC2 – For offshore companies


GBC1 registered companies

GBC1 companies are resident companies and they become liable for taxes on the earnings. Investors may get their company legally incorporated under GBC1 or open a branch of a foreign company. All businesses registered under GBC1 must be conducted in foreign currencies.

GBC1 business must have at least one director and one shareholder. The shareholder can be of any nationality. A resident Company Secretary is also required. While the business is not allowed to engage in business in Mauritius, it can conduct businesses internationally under the GBC1.

GBC1 registered companies enjoy no stamp duties registrar duties or levies.


GBC2 registered companies

GBC2 companies are private entities that are conducting business outside Mauritius. Businesses registered under GBC2 are not allowed to conduct business within Mauritius.

GBC2 requires that companies be locally incorporated, or be registered as a branch of a foreign company. GBC2 businesses require only one shareholder and one company director.

GBC2 companies do not have any stamp duties on transfer of shares. One of the appealing things about the GBC2 is the high degree of privacy protection through the use of a nominee director and shareholders, an ideal setup for business investors who are looking for a strict level of privacy.

GBC2 registered companies enjoy no capital gains tax and no accounting or reporting requirements like other companies would need to do. There is also a free repatriation of earnings.

GBC2 companies enjoy legal tax exemptions. At any time, a GBC2 company wishes to convert to a GBC1 company, they can do so.

Professional services are on hand to assist companies and potential business investors through the entire process of the set up. We are ready to provide guidance, consultancy and even assist with the process from start to finish should you wish to engage our services. To find out more about how we can help you, get in touch with our team of experts today and we will attend to any queries you have as soon as possible.