Why Set Up Business in Sri Lanka

Why Setup Business in Sri Lanka A land of ancient ruins, relics and history, palm-fringed beaches, balmy rainforests, colorful reefs and local legends, Sri Lanka is a country unlike any other. With the Civil War behind them, the new government is intent on restoring to country to glory and to make it one that international…


Why Set Up Business in Vietnam

Why Setup Business in Vietnam Being one of the most stable countries in the South East Asia region, Vietnam is committed to continue with the economic reforms and continues to make the country more accessible and attractive for foreign investment. Vietnam’s economy has improved significantly over the years, despite some problems which still remain, and…


Why Set Up Business in Philippines

Why Setup Business in Philippines? With a minimum of five corporate or individual shareholders, five individual directors (half of whom must be a resident in the Philippines) and a paid-up capital of US$100,000 if the company hires more than fifty employees, an entrepreneur could already be well on their way to setting up a business…


Why Set Up Business in Indonesia

Why Setup Business in Indonesia An abundance of labour and raw materials are only a peek into the vast potential business market that is Indonesia, and why this manufacturing hub is growing exponentially. Rich in raw minerals and one of the leaders in agricultural products, entrepreneurs and investors are increasingly seeing the potential and advantages…


Why Set Up Business in Malaysia

Why Setup Business in Malaysia As an upper-middle income country, Malaysia has certainly emerged as one of the most developed countries in the Asian region. Emerging as an attractive regional hub in many sectors over the years, Malaysia has seen many foreign investors and entrepreneurs eager to establish a business in the country because it…


Why Set Up Business in India

Why Setup Business in India A rising middle class, investment friendly policies, forward-thinking reforms and a country that is rich with minerals and agricultural resources have proven to be some of India’s major strengths that has successfully pulled international investors to its shores for several years and more. Why are entrepreneurs eager to setup a…
