Set Up Business in Montenegro Then Start the Company Registration
Montenegro is the latest addition to the Balkan states and doing business there opens up endless opportunities. There are plenty of reasons you can find about why you should set up business in Montenegro. Reasons such as low tax regime or easy business start-ups are among the common reasons entrepreneurs hold on religiously. Montenegro offers more than flat tax or easy business start-ups.
Stability in Its Policy
Although Montenegro is new to the rest of the world, its politics and economy are rather stable. A country with stable politics is essential to attracting foreign investors. The higher the trust, the better the economic rhythm of the country. Hence, the government of Montenegro is diligent in ensuring businesses are supported in every way possible. Euro is the official currency that’s why doing business with next-door neighbours are even easier and more practical. Montenegro may be small, but it is filled with multi-ethnic diversity. Overall, it is built in both structures and culture, but transformed the economy and open more business opportunities.
Au Naturale Beauty
Montenegro is bursting with untouched beauty from one end to another. It was and still is an attractive tourist spot for people across the globe. If you are keen on promoting your tourism service, Montenegro should be on your portfolio. Visitors and tourists get to experience some new every other time. From beaches to mountains to canyons, this small country is packed with natural experiences for every kind of visitor. Tourism is the mainstay for the country. Hence, the government receives strong support for business opportunities in this sector.
Business Friendly
How do you make a country business-friendly? By having a pro-business government. The Montenegrin government offers a flat nine percent tax rate. The tax rate applies to corporate income tax, withholding tax on dividend, interest, and royalties. Business registration is simple and straightforward. If you were to register your business in Montenegro, you only need to register in one place, and everything else will fall into place. The government gives the same treatment to both foreign and domestic investors.
In addition, foreign investors will able to avoid double taxations because Montenegro has signed more than 40 double tax treaties. The Montenegrins are friendly and open to new businesses in their country. For such a place, this is a favourable highlight to entrepreneurs. Hiring the locals will be as easy as a pea. The Montenegrins are young, qualified, and are multilingual. English is a widely spoken language, but with a wide variety of ethnicity, their locals would naturally master other languages as well.
Regional Business Hub
If you plan to expand your business, make Montenegro your pivot point. From here, there is sufficient connectivity to major cities in Europe and regional capitals. It is also accessible by rail and road as well as the sea. If you are concerned about telecommunications, you can connect to the world via optical cables and fast Internet-based services. It also has three large telecommunications providers.
Contact us if you want to know more.