Hong Kong Company Registration Services

Ranked as one of the world’s freest economies by the Index of Economic Freedom for 20 consecutive years (very impressive!), Hong Kong is the world’s eighth largest trading economy and one of Asia’s leading financial and business centres in this region.

Many international companies already call this country home by setting up a strong base in the Hong Kong market. Why do investors choose to register a company in Hong Kong? One reason is because of its open and transparent competitive market. It is also very easy to do business in Hong Kong because it’s a country with speaks English largely.

Hong Kong Company Registration ServicesAs investor keen on Hong Kong company registration would also be interested to know that the country has very strong intellectual property rights protection and a well-established and familiar rule of law. Hong Kong has also made a name for itself as a popular base for hosting regional headquarters or representative offices.

Another factor that makes Hong Kong so enticing to investors is that Hong Kong is a leading telecommunications hub for the Asia Pacific region. On top of that, it is also the world’s busiest airport for international cargo, one of the world’s busiest container ports and the second largest private equity centre in Asia. Hong Kong can also boast that it is ranked as the third for being the easiest place in the world to do business, thanks to the World Bank.

Being a special administrative region of China certainly has its perks, as Hong Kong enjoys a high degree of autonomy when it comes to doing business, except in foreign affairs and defence. And despite the increasing competition from the mainland, Hong Kong continues to steadily grow as an economy and doesn’t look to be slowing down anytime soon.

And unlike many countries out there who impose restrictions on foreigners who want to set up a business in their markets, Hong Kong welcomes them and provides them with the tools that they need to grow successfully.


Hong Kong Company Registration – How to Get Your Business Up and Running in Hong Kong

An investor seeking to gain a foothold in Hong Kong can start by following the procedures below to begin work on registering an official business in Hong Kong:

  1. Start by choosing a company name
  2. Once done, obtain a certificate of incorporation. This will be issued once the filing of an incorporation form signed by the founder member(s), a copy of the articles of association and a Notice to Business Registration Office has been successful.
  3. Sign up with the Employee’s Compensation Insurance and Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Schemes with a private company or a bank.

Need more guidance on how to manage your Hong Kong company registration? We are here to help! Get in touch with us via our website and we will reply you promptly. We will help you take your business to the next level and make your company registration process a smooth transaction.